Term 1 Week 4 of 9

Friday, 23rd of Feburary 2024

This Week’s Newsletter Items:

● Senior School Family Mass

● Emergency DISPLAN practice 

● School Advisory Council (SAC)

Prep 2025 Enrolments NOW OPEN

● Resurrection Instagram Page

● Canteen Update

● Addressing Concerns When Concerns Arise 

● Community News

● Help Us To Help Your Child 

● Camp Information Night

● Senior School Interschool Sports  

● Sunday’s Gospel

● Understanding The Gospel

● Student Of The Week Awards

● Term 1 Dates 

Dear Parents, Students & Friends, 

Senior School Family Mass

It was lovely on Sunday to see the many senior school families who came along to the Resurrection Parish Sunday 10.30am Mass. 

In 2024 we continue to strengthen our bonds with Resurrection Parish. Therefore, to support our students to prepare for their respective Year Level Mass, the parish invites our students and their families to their 10:30am weekend Mass, the Sunday before their Year Level Mass. 

These Masses have been coined, ‘Sunday Family Masses’ where students from a year level group are invited to participate in the Offertory Procession and attend Children’s Liturgy which is led by the parish’s Young Adults group.

Today our level Masses began with our Senior students who participated enthusiastically through their prayer and singing. 

Thank you to Fr Peter Hudson for celebrating Mass with us this morning, the students and staff wish Fr Gerard all the best on his trip abroad. 

Emergency DISPLAN Practice 

On Wednesday our school participated in two emergency drills. The first being an evacuation to the school car park and the second a sheltered lockdown during break time.  Sheltered lockdown is something that has not been practiced for a few years. Yet is often the most used DISPLAN for events like a disturbance to the air quality such as a chemical leak. 

While I was offsite myself, Travina our reviewer from Dynamiq reported that students and staff managed both drills very well with a few minor things for us to consider! It is essential that we practice these drills so that all members of the school community know what to do in the time of an emergency. 

School Advisory Council (SAC) 

What a wonderful turnout we had on Tuesday evening for the first meeting of the School Advisory meeting for 2024. 

During this meeting we discussed the successes of the group last year as well as the school’s positive enrolment figures, and the School Improvement Plan (SIP) moving into the next 4-year period. 

It was decided that we need to continue having an additional group that focuses on school fundraising with the first two events to be held this term as a Hot Cross Bun drive as well as an Easter Raffle. 

More details to follow in regards to the Hot Cross Bun and Easter hamper raffle in next week's newsletter! 

The SAC also discussed reducing the schools carbon footprint. There were three ideas that were discussed that we will begin to implement: 

  1. A second-hand uniform sale to be run a little like a market where parents buy a table on a set day to sell their items of clothing from 2.45pm - 3.00pm 

  2. An Opt-in for hard copies of the newsletter for those that would like to receive a hard copy. 

  3. Families to provide two boxes of tissues as a donation to their child’s classroom. Last year believe it or not we spent $2,500 on tissues!

If you would like to join the fundraising committee our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th March at 6.30pm with the school advisory council to follow.

God Bless, 

Jess Davis

Acting Principal 

2025 Prep Enrolments Are Now Open

We are already receiving many enrolment applications from new families. which is a wonderful sign!

To assist us in our preparation and planning, we are encouraging our current parents to please collect an enrolment form and to return it as soon as possible.

If you know of a family who is interested in enrolling their child into Resurrection Catholic Primary School, let them know that EVERYDAY is open day and that School tours are always available. 

Did you know we have an Instagram page?

Resurrection Catholic Primary School has an Instagram account that is managed by Mrs Erica Aclan (Religious Education Leader) and Mrs Jess Davis (Deputy Principal: Wellbeing & Community) 

Our account has many stories, highlights and posts about the different events and day to day happenings that occur at Resurrection! 

For instructions on how to follow our account, please either watch the short clip via the QR code below or follow the step-by-step instructions as listed below. 

Step 1:

Download the ‘Instagram’ app onto your smart phone or iPad. Create an account.

Step 2: 

Once signed in, click the button on the

bottom of the app.

Step 3: 

In the search bar, type in either

‘resurrectionkp’ ‘Resurrection Catholic PS’

and search.

Step 4: 

Once the results appear, click on

‘Accounts’ under the search bar, and our account should appear. Click on our account.

Step 5: 

Click the blue ‘Follow’ button on the page

Step 6: Turn on notifications by clicking the ‘bell’ button and ensure that it looks like the images below.

We often hold polls on the different types of posts or stories you might like to see! Don’t forget to check us out!

The School Canteen are aware that there is an issue with the new android phones not accepting the version of the Qkr app on Google Store.

Qkr have responded that they have the update ready to go and are waiting notification that it has been added to the Google Store.


In the meantime, please use the Qkr website for your canteen purchases.

Qkr! by MasterCard (qkrschool.com)

Qkr have also recommended that you use a laptop/desktop when accessing the Qkr website.

We apologies for the inconvenience as you can appreciate, this is out of our hands. 

Addressing Concerns When Concerns Arise

Schools are very busy places - there are lots of things that happen, and there are many decisions made every day.

At the same time, the community is quite diverse, with many individuals or groups having vastly different opinions on how things should be done.

It is inevitable, therefore, that times will arise when some parents agree with the school’s actions while others disagree and wish to discuss the matter with the school.

We welcome such discussions, and encourage parents to raise issues so that they may be dealt with speedily and resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned.

Complaints, after all, are not a negative experience – so long as they are dealt with positively by everybody.

The following process for presenting and managing community complaints or concerns has been developed over time in consultation with the community.

We believe it works well, and it is the way we will manage all complaints at our school.


  • Problems are best resolved using a positive attitude.  Anger is usually counter-productive to solving problems.

  • People need time to investigate and resolve many problems; a quick fix is not always possible or desirable.

  • Schools are large and complex – very few decisions will suit everybody.

  • There are always at least 2 sides to every story – with students there are often as many stories as there are children.

  • Not all disagreements can be resolved – sometimes we simply have to agree to disagree.

  • Opinions vary widely – disagreement is a natural part of life.

  • Everybody is doing what they believe is right, even if it’s different to what we think.


The following procedures are to be used to resolve complaints or concerns at our school.


Try and find out the facts.  This may require you talking to your child’s teacher. Many concerns are quickly resolved once the parent is aware of all the facts.


Let the school know via letter, telephone or in person that you have a concern, providing details of the issue.


The school WILL investigate the concern and the most appropriate person will contact you to discuss the matter, or to organize a meeting.  Almost 100% of problems are resolved by this point


If, however, the matter remains unresolved, make a formal appointment to discuss the issue with the Principal.


The Regional Office can be contacted to help solve problems. The principal can provide contact details.

During the summer school holidays myself, Daniel, Thad and Hannah visited a local factory in Ravenhall.

Old school uniforms were piled in the school office and instead of going to landfill and contributing to pollution, we wanted to know what could be done with them? 

Textiles Recycling Australia (TRA) is a local company who helps with recycling and upcycling solutions for those who care about our planet.

We met Ben and Paolo who were very friendly and knowledgeable. They explained how our uniforms would be cleaned, shredded, packed and made into thread that could be used to make new things like reusable tote bags!

It made us see how important it is to separate your rubbish at home. Reduce, reuse or recycle before putting things into the bin 

Madison Medilo 5A

Help Us To Help Your Child!

Most families are fantastic when sharing information such as diagnoses, reports, medical issues and the like. This information helps us to support your child and make the most of what we are able to support and assist them with.

However, there are some parents, who for whatever reason, refuse to provide such information or seek a diagnosis, even when it is clear that the child, and the school, could benefit from this.

Unfortunately, this refusal to provide such

information, finally catches up with the parent, generally either at the time of transition into secondary school for their child, or a couple of months later when the secondary school, like ourselves, identifies that the child needs further assistance.

The lesson taken from this is: When you provide the school with the information it needs, it supports the school in gaining further professional knowledge about your child’s needs and you are setting your child, yourself and the staff seeking to support your child up for success.


Thank you to all families who responded to the recent Operoo form in regards to the best time for camp information night’s to be held. The overwhelming response was from 5.30 - 6.00pm! Therefore, ALL camp information sessions will be conducted at this time. 

The Grade 6 Camp Information night will be next Wednesday 28th of February in the school Hall from 5.30 - 6.00pm. Looking forward to seeing you all there 

Grade 6 Interschool Sport Report 

Last Friday 16th February the Grade 6 students had our first round of Interschool Sports at Burnside Primary School. We played basketball, tennis, softball and cricket. We all tried our best and ended up winning 2 different sports on the day - basketball and softball. The cricket match was a draw and unfortunately, our tennis team lost and our rounders team had a bye.  

We all were puffed out when our games were finished but we were very delighted that we won most of our games. It was an amazing experience where we were able to meet students from other schools and make new friends.  Well done to all the students in Grade 6.  

Softball and Basketball Winning Team!!!

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 9: 2-10  

This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him.  

Jesus took with him Peter and James and John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured: his clothes became dazzlingly white, whiter

than any earthly bleacher could make them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus. Then Peter spoke to Jesus. ‘Rabbi,’ he said ‘it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ He did not know what to say; they were so frightened. And a cloud came, covering them in shadow; and there came a voice from the cloud, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.’ Then suddenly, when they looked round, they saw no one with them anymore but only Jesus.

As they came down from the mountain he warned them to tell no one what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. They observed the warning faithfully, though among themselves they discussed what ‘rising from the dead’ could mean.

Gospel Reflection

 Like so many other important events in the Bible, the events of this week’s gospel occur on a high mountaintop. Mountaintops were places of special and dramatic encounter with God and the disciples’ experience of the transfiguration is clearly no exception! In this instance, the disciples suddenly see Jesus’ power fully revealed but they fail to fully understand what is going on. One might think how much more obvious could God be about trying to reveal Jesus’ identity to the disciples, but still they don’t really catch on. Peter thinks he has caught on to the message. When the great prophets Elijah and Moses appear beside Jesus, Peter understands Jesus to be part of the line of prophets in the Hebrew tradition. He believes he has had a great insight and is so impressed that he wants to remain on the mountaintop – setting up tents in honour of Jesus, Elijah and Moses. In essence, Peter has still only partially understood who Jesus is. He thinks he is the Messiah, but a Messiah in the same mould as the prophets of old, a prophet of the old tradition. He has not understood that Jesus is breaking that mould and creating a new vision, a new tradition – one that is endorsed by the voice of God on the mountaintop.

Rather than allowing the disciples to set up tents and remain in the ‘high’ of this experience, Jesus immediately leads the boys back down the mountain. This is perhaps the greatest message of this passage: that life is not lived on the mountaintop but back down in the valley. Although the mountaintop experience may have provided some new insight and new energy, it is back down in the valley that the world waits; that the real work needs to be done; that the sick and the poor are crying out for God’s love and mercy.

Scriptural Context - Not Quite!

Throughout the gospel of Mark, it is important to look at the stories that lie either side of important events to pick up the subtlety of the gospel writer’s message. In this instance, the passage that immediately follows the Transfiguration is a story of the disciples trying unsuccessfully to heal a boy and Jesus having to intervene. It reinforces the message of the mountaintop in which the disciples still only partially understand Jesus’ purpose and presence. They still haven’t fully mastered who Jesus is and so they have not fully mastered the ability to heal. 

Have you thought? Mountaintop Moments

Throughout the Bible there are instances of important encounters with God on mountaintops. Even this week’s first reading, the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, occurs on a mountaintop. It is not the potential sacrifice, but the new relationship between God and Abraham that is a mountaintop moment. In modern language, we often speak about ‘peak experiences’ – moments of exceptional clarity, intense emotion or extraordinary accomplishment. Sometimes, like Peter, we are tempted to try to remain ‘in the moment’ rather than using the peak experience as a motivator for when we go back down the mountain to our normal (if perhaps changed) existence.

Gospel Focus - A new vision! 

Part of Peter’s mistake is to see the appearance of Elijah and Moses as a confirmation that Jesus has come to continue the work of the great prophets of the past. Rather than placing Jesus in the old tradition of the prophets, the appearance of Elijah and Moses, together with the voice of God, is to endorse the new direction that Jesus’ ministry is taking. Jesus’ new vision for the world is informed by the relationships forged between God and the prophets of the past, but it is a vision of a completely different way of relating to God: a much more personal relationship that calls us to respond from the heart to those around us.

Student of the Week Awards

PA - Ric Martin

Christopher T - For being a caring member of the Prep community always using your manners when speaking to teachers.

Sienna T - For being a risk taker during your first week of school and always wanting to help with classroom jobs. 

PB - Jacinta Polh

Crescent T - For being open-minded when attempting to make new friends and willingly play outside at recess and lunch. 

Olivia C - For being an excellent communicator. You always listen attentively and express yourself with kindness.

PC - Carla Tirotta

Israel S - For being an effective communicator when confidently asking questions to seek clarification about learning tasks. Keep up the amazing effort! 

Shaniqua M - For being a caring member of the Prep community by demonstrating kindness and compassion when offering help to your classmates. 

1B - Matt Galea

Layla G - For being an effective communicator by sharing her thoughts and ideas when reading the class text Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!

Zane H - For being a risk taker by using interesting vocabulary, when writing, to create an interesting text for his audience.

1C - Thomas Pham

William N - For being a thinker when he compared numbers to find the larger number. Congratulations William! 

Summer Z - For being a communicator by consistently raising your hand and sharing your ideas in class discussions. Well done Summer! 

2A  - Belinda Collins 

Mia B - For being an excellent communicator and sharing your ideas with the class.

William N - For being a principled learner and beginning activities promptly.

2B -  Annette Lee

Xavier T- for being a risk taker and a balanced learner by striving to attempt all writing tasks with enthusiasm and positivity. Well done!

Lydon T- for enthusiastically participating in our whole school mass, demonstrating a caring and respectful attitude. You were a real role model for others! Well done!

2C - Dorothy Hall

Jessica - For being a risk-taker and demonstrating resilience as she shares her thinking with the class; continuing to settle into 2C at Resurrection.

Simon V - For being an inquirer - consistently asking questions during floor time in order to learn more and share his understanding with others.

3A  - Ella Nowak

Jordan S - For making a positive start to the year at Resurrection and for being knowledgeable and achieving 100/100 on his first attempt at solving his multiplication grid. Keep it up Jordan!

Zara H- For being a Responsible, Respectful and Resilient student in all areas of her learning and school life. Keep striving for success Zara!

3B - Kurt Caguin 

Johnathan N - For being a responsible and resilient learner by challenging himself and working independently. Keep it up Johnathan!

James R - For being respectful in the way he communicates with everyone, speaking clearly and using his manners. A great start to the year James!

3C - Joss Coaley 

Willow S - For being a resilient inquirer and having an amazing positive start to the school year. Keep it up Willow, there is some amazing learning ahead for you!

Calden N - For being an amazing communicator and offering your wonderings and learnings in whole class conversations. Keep this up Calden!

4A - Natalie Donevska

Dorcus  D - For being a resilient learner, having a positive attitude towards your learning and always using your initiative to help others in the classroom. A fantastic start to the year Dorcus! 

Ebenezer H - For being an effective communicator during class discussions and always sharing your thoughts and ideas. Keep up the great work Ebenezer! 

4B - Enza La Rosa

Elizabeth C – For being a risk taker in her learning in applying effective strategies to solve four digit addition equations. Keep up the great start to the new school year!

Isaac M - For being a principled student by showing respectful actions towards other members of the class. Well done Isaac. 

4C - Brittany Davidson

Andre C - For being respectful and responsible at all times in the classroom; consistently striving to do his best and being kind and caring towards his peers and educators. 

Vidhusha - For being a dedicated learner, always seeking clarification when unsure and trying her best in all learning tasks. 

5A - Lavina Stewart

Dean M - For being a resilient learner when attempting to independently construct sentences during the “All About Me” writing activity. Well done Dean!

Dwayne L - For being a responsible learner by completing all learning activities with a positive attitude. Awesome start to the year Dwayne, keep it up!

5B  - Malae Suaesi

Chantelle V - For being a risk taker when sharing her ideas during whole class discussion on key language features used in an information text. 

Karl G - For being a thinker during Maths by recording four digit and beyond numbers in written and expanded form. Great learning!

5C - Rosie Nojdek

Ni Tha Sui -  For acting respectfully and responsibly when assisting her peers and younger students in the yard. Well done Ni Tha Sui! 

Carol M  - For acting respectfully when contributing her ideas, knowledge and opinions during class.  Well done Carol!

6A - Katherine Salloum

Cherry L - For being a resilient learner by settling into a new school and engaging in her learning and with her peers.  

John L - For being an inquiring learner as he settled into a new school and asking questions when unsure of his surroundings or class tasks.  

6B - Lena Aloi

Adrienne D - For being a great communicator in your learning and always listening to others when they have something to say. Well done!

Christopher T -  For being a risk-taker in your learning, always eager to learn new things and showing initiative in your learning. Well done!

6C - Jake Moloney

Chelsea S - For being a caring member of 6C by settling into the new school year and giving support to those in need.  

Lexton V - For being a risk-taking learner by demonstrating active listening, remaining focussed during class time and striving to push himself in all learning areas.

Specialist Awards 

Japanese: Yumiko Aiki

Athieng M (3C) - For being an active thinker by participating and contributing during Japanese activities. Awesome effort, keep it up Athieng!

Performing Arts: Jody Banks

Jordan S (3A) - For being a knowledgeable learner when demonstrating his ukulele playing ability during Performing Arts lessons. Keep up the fantastic musicianship skills, Jordan!

Visual Arts: Tosh Kaan and Emma Lyons  Vidhusha K and Jessica R 4C- For being great communicators when they identified how the element of art (line) was used in each other's artwork and what they thought it represented.

S T E M: Matt Dalton

Jayden P (6B) - For being an effective communicator as demonstrated by his willingness to share his ideas and knowledge during STEM learning. Well done Jayden!

P.E: Jen Barresi

Hugo O (Prep C) - For being respectful, responsible and resilient in his new journey as a student at Resurrection. Keep up the wonderful work Hugo!

Colour Code Key

Blue = whole school events 

Red = Public holidays or major events 

Green = Mass/RE events 

Purple = Parent advisory board etc 

Orange = Interviews/PSGs/Parent helper training etc


Monday 26/02

●               Prep’s Commence Full-Time

●               Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

●               Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●               Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday 27/02

●                Saint Gregory of Narek (commemoration)

Wednesday 28/02

●               Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday 29/02

Friday 01/03

Saturday 02/03  

Sunday 03/03

●               3rd Sunday of Lent



Monday 04/03

●               Saint Casimir (commemoration)

●               Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

●               Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●               Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday 05/03

Wednesday 06/03

●               Installment 1 - Family Fee & Student Levy Payment Due

●               Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Thursday 07/03

●               Saints Perpetua and Felicity (commemoration)

Friday 8/03

●               Saint John of God (commemoration)

●               Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 3/4

Saturday 09/03

●               Saint Frances of Rome (commemoration)

Sunday 10/03

●               4th Sunday of Lent


Monday 11/03

●               Labour Day – School Closure

Tuesday 12/03

●               Parent Support Group Meetings

Wednesday 13/03

●               Parent Support Group Meetings

●               Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30 pm

●               Grade 6 Camp - PGL (Campaspe Downs)

●               NAPLAN - Writing Grades 3 & 5

Thursday 14/03

●               Parent Support Group Meetings

●               Grade 6 Camp - PGL (Campaspe Downs)

●               NAPLAN - Reading Grades 3 & 5

Friday 15/03

●               Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Grade 1/2

●               Grade 6 Camp - PGL (Campaspe Downs)

Saturday 16/03

Sunday 17/03

●               5th Sunday of Lent


 Monday 18/03

●      Solemnity of Saint Patrick (Dress In Green)

●      Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30 pm

●      NAPLAN - Conventions of Language Grades 3 & 5

●      NAPLAN - Numeracy Grades 3 & 5

Tuesday 19/03

●      Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      Parent Advisory Committee 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Wednesday 20/03

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30 pm

●      Eucharist and Confirmation Formation Evening 6.30pm

Thursday 21/03

●      Parent Support Group Meetings

●      First Eucharist & Confirmation Sacramental Sessions @ 6.30 pm

Friday 22/03

●      Saint Turibius de Mogrovejo (commemoration)

●      Year Level Mass followed by morning tea: Buddies (Grade Prep/5)

Saturday 23/03

●      The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Sunday 24/03

●      Passion Sunday


Monday 25/03

●      Exec Team 9.30 – 11.00am

●      Whole School Assembly 2.30pm

●      Team Leaders Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Tuesday 26/03

Wednesday 27/03

●      Staff Meeting 3.30pm - 4:30 pm

Thursday 28/03

●      Holy Thursday (Whole School Liturgy)

●      Last day of Term 1 & Student Dismissal 3.15pm

Friday 29/03

●      Good Friday

Saturday 30/03

●      The Easter Vigil

Sunday 31/03



Term 1 Week 5 of 9


Term 1 Week 3 of 9