Education In Faith

At Resurrection, we aim to be a positive, creative, hope-filled learning community where Catholic values and spirit are shared and the sacred dignity of each person is nurtured.

Learning: Education In Faith

Religious Education as a particular curriculum area is critical to education in a Catholic school. It deliberately attends to the spiritual development of each person, acknowledging and celebrating the Holy Spirit at work, inviting relationship with God and a Christ-like stance towards others.

As a school and faith community, parents, students and staff work together as witnesses to the Good News and the resurrection of Christ.

We design learning programs with an emphasis on opportunities for dialogue by valuing and listening to students’ stories, religious and cultural experiences and views of the world. The Catholic Tradition is our point of concrete reference with what matters most in the minds and hearts of the students and the big questions of life and culture.

The learning content in Religious Education is based around the five content areas: Jesus and Scripture; Church and Community; God, Religion and Life; Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament; Morality and Justice. Each person is valued as a seeker of truth, a maker of meaning and one who lives out their story in, and with, community. Through our units of work students grow in their knowledge and understanding, reasoning and responding and personal and communal engagement and develop the skills of explaining, interpreting and reflecting.


As a faith community we make time to pray daily, keeping the presence of God at the forefront of each school day and in our lives.

In our multi-faith and diverse cultural context the school community respectfully invites all to prayer.

Drawing from rich prayer traditions we encourage a variety of ways of praying: individual and communal, vocal and silent, informal and liturgical, including Christian Meditation. We provide opportunities for deep encounters between faith and contemporary life and for nurturing spiritual growth and a personal relationship with God.


The liturgical life of the school enables students to encounter the Holy Spirit at work in their everyday lives, families, parish community and in the life of the wider Church and the world. We celebrate the seasons of the Church year, feast days and other significant national celebrations and days throughout the year through termly whole school and year level Masses. We celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation each year.

Reaching Out

At Resurrection, we aim to be a positive, creative, hope-filled learning community where Catholic values and spirit are shared and the sacred dignity of each person is nurtured.

We encourage and inspire our students to act on what they have learned and to live out the gospel values by showing compassion for those in need and working for a just and peaceful world. We motivate our students to serve others selflessly out of a loving relationship with God.

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the fundamental truth that each and every person – without exception – is made in the image and likeness of God.

There are six Catholic Social Teaching Principles. They are:

  • Solidarity

  • Human Dignity

  • Preferential Option for the Poor

  • Community and the Common Good

  • Rights and Responsibility

  • Stewardship of the Earth’s Resources